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About me...

I am very glad that I can to tell about myself in this small questionnaire slightly. My name Alena. I am 27
years. I very much love life. I very much love smiles and cheerful mood though in my life there were many bad
days. But I try to live cheerfully and happily. I live in Russia in city Naberezhnie Chelni. I would like to write about
myself very much but I think that it will be interesting not to all. Therefore I shall be glad to tell about
myself in the future. Now I want to tell that I cheerful, I very much love a nature and animals. I have quite
good work and while it is pleased with my life. I shall not speak about my appearance. But I shall be glad if
someone will tell about it for me. Likely I shall finish my very small description of. But I shall be very
glad in the future to telling about myself to the person which serious and sincere. I hope though have
slightly drawn attention of someone:). Maybe you?:)
Блог Alenain  |  06.01 12:41


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